A special contest is organized to celebrate the Steam Next Fest October 2021. The prizes are 5 Steam keys that will be activated when the game is released.
How to win a key
5 keys can be won, in 5 different ways:
- Finisher: random choice among all those who completed the demo and posted a screenshot of their score.
- Completionist: random choice among all those who found all the relics and posted a screenshot of their score.
- Speed-runner: the player who will complete the demo with the best time and posted a screenshot of his score.
- Most beautiful screenshot: we will chose the nicest screenshot of the game(choice will be subjective).
- Most fun screenshot: we will chose the most “fun” screenshot of the game, use the game creatively! (choice will be subjective).
How to participate
To participate, you can either:- Post your screenshot and player name on TWITTER, using the hastags #NeverlootedDungeon and #SteamNextFest.
- Post your screenshot and player name on the Wild Mage Games DISCORD in the #steam-next-fest-contest channel.
Only one key can be won per family. Winners will be contacted and keys will be sent by email. The contest is open from 27/09/21 7PM UTC+1 to 07/10/21 7PM UTC+1.