Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.7 is out!
Check the awesome new features!
/!\ READ BEFORE UPDATING from 1.6 to 1.7
Several files have been moved or removed in update 1.7. It is recommended to do a clean re-install by removing the AlmostEngine folder before importing the update. Do not forget to backup your custom prefabs before doing so. Otherwise, follow the upgrade process described below.
Upgrade Instructions: If you want to manually move and remove the files instead of doing a clean reinstall, do as follow:
1. Move ScreenshotWindowConfig.asset to AlmostEngine/UltimateScreenshotCreator/As sets/. Not doing it will result in large build resource files.
2. Move ScreenshotResolutionPresets.cs to AlmostEngine/UltimateScreenshotCreator/Assets/Scripts/Editor. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any issues or questions.
1.7.0 – 13/01/2019
• (NEW FEATURE) Generate hundreds of multilingual promotional pictures with the composer and batch process.
• (NEW FEATURE) Create custom presets and collections saved as assets that can be shared between projects.
•(NEW FEATURE) Display a screenshot thumbnail when taking screenshots.
• (NEW FEATURE) Simple Localization system to easily localize your game and promotional pictures.
• Possibility to automatically remove the iOS and Android permission requirements.
• Automatically add the iOS Photos framework dependency.
• Support of Unity 2018.3.
• (Fix) Fixed gameview size on retina displays.
• (API) Presets are now asset files. • (API) Popularity preset are now asset files, referencing preset assets.
• (API) Moved ScreenshotManager specific symbols parsing to the ScreenshotManager.
• (API) Moved all extra features to the namespace AlmostEngine.Screenshot.Extra.